la Biennale di Venezia / 55th International Art Exhibition Hans Belting, Georges Didi-Huberman, Andrea Pinotti and Massimiliano Gioni Wednesday, October 23rd, at 5 p.m.

Meetings on Art

Hans Belting, Georges Didi-Huberman, Andrea Pinotti
and Massimiliano Gioni
“Image-Worlds”. Anthropology of images and history of art

Wednesday, October 23rd, at 5 p.m.
Arsenale, Teatro Piccolo
Free entrance

Venice, October XX, 2013 – The Meetings on Art, a series of lectures, round tables and debates organized by la Biennale di Venezia chaired by Paolo Barattain the context of the 55th International Art Exhibitioncurated by Massimiliano Gioni continues Wednesday, October 23rd, at 5 p.m. at the Teatro Piccolo, Arsenale, free entrance.

This upcoming Meeting, titled “Image-Worlds”. Anthropology of images and history of art, will feature the participation of the well-known art historians Hans Belting and Georges Didi-Huberman and the Professor of Aesthetics Andrea Pinotti, they will converse with the curator of the 55th Exhibition Massimiliano Gioni on the topics related to the anthropology of the images and the history of art.

Art historians Hans Belting and Georges Didi-Huberman, each in his own way, have introduced new paths in the art history stimulating a reflection that goes beyond the canonical distinctions between art and non-art, images and works, art history and anthropology. In this meeting the two scholars will discuss their recent studies and the historiographic and critics implications raised by 55th Exhibition The Encyclopedic Palace with Professor Pinotti and Massimiliano Gioni. Combining works and images of different disciplines, contexts and historical periods, the International Exhibition draws inspirations from the writings and theories of Belting and Didi-Huberman who give keys to analyze and understand our present, which is increasingly suffocated by the proliferation of images.

The aim of the Meetings on Art and the cycle of conferences about archivesis to explore the themes, insights and suggestions offered by la Biennale’ exhibitions and festivals and open a wide space for reflection within the Exhibition Il Palazzo Enciclopedico (The Encyclopedic Palace). The meetings, organised in the heart of the exhibition spaces, will speak directly to the vast number of visitors of the Exhibition which include not only professionals but also art-lovers, students and audiences of every age, educational background and national origin.

The program could be subject to modification or integrations that will be promptly communicated.
This Meetings is opened to the public, admission free subjected to seats availability.

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